
Evidence for Christianity is unavailable, but you can change that!

Whether debating Marxists, college professors, or Islamic apologists, Josh McDowell’s hallmark has always been to walk boldly into enemy territory and speak truth. This book is based on the expectation that, with a growing number of adults becoming increasingly skeptical toward Christianity, there is a need for a solid body of persuasive evidence to be presented to them. This is a sourcebook for...

physical body that was placed in the tomb, then the resurrection loses its value as an evidential proof of His claim to be God (John 8:58; 10:30). The resurrection cannot verify Jesus’ claim to be God unless He was resurrected in the body in which He was crucified. That body was a literal, physical body. Unless Jesus rose in a material body, there is no way to verify His resurrection. It loses its historically persuasive value” (Geisler, BR, 36). 3A. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESURRECTION All but four
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